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Sunday, February 18, 2007
Get Clicky with it
If you have a website and you're interested in finding out more about your visitors, I recommend Clicky. It's free, it's simple to implement and it offers feeds on visitors, referrers and pageviews that you can subscribe to. My web host offers some basic stats on my website traffic and every couple months I take a peek at the top downloads. I know there's probably only about ten people that read this site on a regular basis, so why do some of my mp3s and podcasts have 60-70 unique downloads a month?
So I turned to Clicky for answers. People have arrived to my site through the silliest searches. And I'm sure the same thing is happening for your sites too. So it's fun to check it out.
United Kingdom - Google search for footy footy footy
Finland - Google search for footy footy footy
United Kingdom - Google search for Mr T's commandments blog
Greece - Google search for Origins Skin Diver Body Wash
Spain - Google search for can I keep you november blessing unknown album
France - Google search for nervous music
Singapore - Google search for nervous songs
Spain - Google search for morricone "dedicato al mare egeo" blogspot
Serbia and Montenegro - Referred from
Brazil - Referred from
And a whole ton of strange ones from the United States.
Google search for saxaphone music to copy off your computer
Google search for floogie silliest
Google search for music about sloths
Google blog search for white faced capuchin
Google search for then along come two they got nothing but their jeans
Google search for Kids these days, they listen to the rap, with their hippin' and their hoppin' and their bippin' and their boppin', so they don't know what the jazz is all about!
My personal favorite: Google search for "christopher walken" "white paper"